
Daibutsu’s Hohoemi Zenzai is here!

わたしの大好きな京都の老舗 都製餡さんが作ってくださっています。

Zenzai is a traditional Japanese dessert with mochi dipped in sweet red bean soup. These delicious Zenzai soups come from our favorite, Kyoto’s long-standing “都製餡” (Miyako Sei An) stores. We definitely recommend and hope you try them!

■本店 プリンの森

和風ぜんざい 600円(税込)
Japanese-style Zenzai 600 yen (w/ tax)

With the “Kinetsuki Mochi” made in Japan and carefully selected red beans from Hokkaido. Enjoy the soft, yet chewy red beans and sweet broth that fills your mouth with flavor.
★ In-store and take out available


洋風ぜんざい 660円(税込)
Western-Style Zenzai 660 yen (w/ tax)

We adapted the Japanese Zenzai into Western-Influenced ones. This still includes the original, “Kinetsuki Mochi” made in Japan and warm soup. Additionally, you can enjoy the fluffy espuma whipped cream and “Yamato” (Nara) Matcha powder. The traditional taste and the whipped cream create a harmony of rich, mild sweetness.
★ In-store and take out available


和風ぜんざい 600円(税込)
Japanese-style Zenzai 600 yen (w/ tax)

With the “Kinetsuki Mochi” made in Japan and carefully hand-picked red beans from Hokkaido. Enjoy the soft, yet chewy red beans and sweet broth that fills your mouth with flavor.
★ In-store and take out available

■おみやげ Souvenir

スタンドパック 300円(税込)
(餅なし/レトルトパウチ、180g /1人前)

Zenzai soup package 300 yen (w/ tax)
(No Mochi/Pre-Packaged, 180g/Single serve)

ご自宅でも手軽に楽しんでいただけます。 大仏さまがにっこりほほえむパッケージ、 手土産にも喜ばれることうけあいです。
You can enjoy this at home anytime! The cute package is perfect for a souvenir, and Daibutsu’s “Hohoemi” (smile) is guaranteed to attract people all over the world 🙂
These Zenzai can also be purchased at; 近鉄奈良駅店・ならまち絵図屋店・イオンモー ル奈良登美ヶ丘店・西大寺サンワシティ店!